2023 - week 6

Backup optimization at O3SHIFT

O3 shift

O3 SHIFT from Westerlo consists of four Flemish companies joining forces to exclusively realize CO2-neutral construction projects. They do this by using digital twins, CLT wood, and the revolutionary central heating system SEDS. In the pipeline for the coming years are 1,200 highly sustainable homes. The construction sector worldwide is responsible for 47 percent of all CO2 emissions. The construction company hopes to change the conservative construction sector with its vision and innovative approach.

Last week, AppSys optimized the backup infrastructure of this enterprise by implementing a Dell PowerProtect DataDomain unit together with Veeam Backup and Replication software to provide the necessary backups of their virtual infrastructure at a second, independent location. This way, the client is extra protected against potential disruptions and calamities in their IT infrastructure.

✅ Implementation of Dell PowerProtect DataDomain unit as secure backup storage
Veeam Backup and Replication software as reliable backup software
✅ Storing backups at an independent, second location for redundancy
✅ Hardware-based retention locking as additional protection against ransomware attacks
Integration between Veeam and Dell Powerstore for faster backups without performance impact

Also in need of an optimal backup strategy within your enterprise? Contact us, and we'd be happy to assist!

#ProudtobeAppSys #Dell #Veeam #Powerprotect #DataDomain #backupstrategy